
Kamis lalu (2/12) Ketua Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Jusuf Kalla (JK) dengan tegas telah menginstruksikan dan menjamin anggotanya juga kepada masyarakat Kristen Mentawai untuk segera membangun hunian sementara sebelum Natal tiba (Baca : JK Instruksikan Bangun Hunian Sementara Untuk Rayakan Natal). Apa mau dibilang, kenyataan berbicara beda dilapangan.

Pembangunan hunian itu belum dikerjakan hingga Minggu (5/12). Penyebabnya apalagi kalu bukan terbentur birokrasi pemerintahan.

Hal itu diakui Koordinator Lapangan Posko Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Cabang Mentawai Zul Hendri.

Walau begitu, Zul menegaskan PMI masih melanjutkan penjajakan dengan pemerintah daerah. Zul berharap pemerintah memberikan tanggapan positif agar korban dapat kembali hidup normal.

Semoga saja Presiden peduli dan langsung memerintahkan pembangunan hunian sementara dengan tujuan agar rakyatnya dapat menjalankan dan merayakan hari besar keagamaannya secara kondusif.

The Greatest Rescue
We have all been following the rescue of Chile’s 33 miners who were trapped for over two months deep underground.

The miners had been trapped nearly a half-mile underground since August 5 when 700,000 tons of rock collapsed all around them. They were feared dead until Aug. 22, when they passed a note up through a thin borehole that had been drilled to their small, 50-square-meter shelter. It was feared that a rescue operation would take four months, but it in fact took just over six weeks.

Beginning at midnight Tuesday, a special 28-inch-wide capsule was lowered down a specially-drilled shaft to the men’s shelter and then raised up again with a miner inside. The 33 trips took less than 24 hours to complete, and each internationally-televised ascent was greeted with utter joy and cheers from the assembled families and public officials.

One cannot feel anything but wonder and admiration at the great professionalism displayed by the Chileans.  They pulled this off not only with great engineering skill, but they dropped everything and invested everything in order to help others who needed them, including the President of Chile. This is indeed of the great rescues in human history.
Another great rescue is taking place world-wide as the followers of Jesus Christ share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and people respond and believe on the Lord Jesus and accept Him as personal Savior and are rescued from eternal judgment in hell.  
We could only follow the Chile rescue via our TV screens.
But we all have the opportunity to participate in an even greater rescue to millions of people who are doomed and have no hope.
The Good News we share is found in John 3:16-18,
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
In Proverbs 11:30 God says…”He who wins souls is wise”.
What an honor and privilege to participate in the Greatest Rescue of the souls of men and women, boys and girls. May the Lord bless and use all of us as we report for duty.

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Dari Kupang, NTT ke Surabaya, lanjut ke Jawa Tengah, lanjut ke Sumatera Utara (lewat Lampung, Bengkulu, Padang, hingga tiba di Tapanuli Selatan lalu Tapanuli Tengah). Di Sumatera Utara, telah mengunjungi Medan dan mengelilingi semua kabupaten hingga ke Riau, dan Dumai. Dari Sumatera Utara ke Jakarta, Tangerang dan Jogja. Sejak keluar dari NTT tahun 2000-2008 berkeliling Indonesia. Tahun 2008-2010 saat ini, sedang berdomisili di Kamboja. Semua tempat tersebut diatas dikunjungi dalam rangkaian perjalanan melayani TUHAN.