
Kamis lalu (2/12) Ketua Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Jusuf Kalla (JK) dengan tegas telah menginstruksikan dan menjamin anggotanya juga kepada masyarakat Kristen Mentawai untuk segera membangun hunian sementara sebelum Natal tiba (Baca : JK Instruksikan Bangun Hunian Sementara Untuk Rayakan Natal). Apa mau dibilang, kenyataan berbicara beda dilapangan.

Pembangunan hunian itu belum dikerjakan hingga Minggu (5/12). Penyebabnya apalagi kalu bukan terbentur birokrasi pemerintahan.

Hal itu diakui Koordinator Lapangan Posko Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Cabang Mentawai Zul Hendri.

Walau begitu, Zul menegaskan PMI masih melanjutkan penjajakan dengan pemerintah daerah. Zul berharap pemerintah memberikan tanggapan positif agar korban dapat kembali hidup normal.

Semoga saja Presiden peduli dan langsung memerintahkan pembangunan hunian sementara dengan tujuan agar rakyatnya dapat menjalankan dan merayakan hari besar keagamaannya secara kondusif.

(Discussing class) Abouth the life of Timothy

Case example to be resolve
(Discussing class)

-Class separate in different group-

One young man name Timothy, 18 years old have a good personality and love by many people. He is very talent young man; he can play music, singing, teach Bible and many more talent he has.
He is a leader of the young people in his church. His Pastor, missionaries in his church and all the members of the church love him so much. He is faithful to his ministry in the church. And he able to bring people to believe Jesus. He prays that one day he can bring his family to believe in Jesus.

His family wan not Christian family; he was a first son from 5 children of his family. His parents are rich enough and planning to send Timothy to study in the University became a doctor. He is favorite son of his parents. His father was thinks that if Timothy success to be a doctor, than its will be a family’s pride and other brother and sister will be following him.

Timothy has been a Christian for 5 years, and after he feels like God calling him to serve God as a missionaries, he decide to go study in Bible School after finish his High School. He want to specific study Bible and seriously prepare him self to serve God. Study in Bible School require student to stay in Campus for 3 full years.

1.     His whole family (parents, brother and sister, uncle and aunty, cousin) was not agreeing, for him to be going to study at Bible School.                                                 If he still be going to Bible School than he will loose his family, they will deny him as a part of family.

2.     His Pastor, missionaries in his church and all the members of the church love him so much. They are happy to pray and help Timothy to study in the Bible School because they also believe God was calling him to study in Bible School.                                                                                           If he not continuing to go to the Bible School after finish High School than the same he deny God’s calling in his life for the sake of his family.

Should Timothy follow God’s calling or follow his family.
(Give the reason of your answer and reference from the Bible verse)

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Dari Kupang, NTT ke Surabaya, lanjut ke Jawa Tengah, lanjut ke Sumatera Utara (lewat Lampung, Bengkulu, Padang, hingga tiba di Tapanuli Selatan lalu Tapanuli Tengah). Di Sumatera Utara, telah mengunjungi Medan dan mengelilingi semua kabupaten hingga ke Riau, dan Dumai. Dari Sumatera Utara ke Jakarta, Tangerang dan Jogja. Sejak keluar dari NTT tahun 2000-2008 berkeliling Indonesia. Tahun 2008-2010 saat ini, sedang berdomisili di Kamboja. Semua tempat tersebut diatas dikunjungi dalam rangkaian perjalanan melayani TUHAN.