
Kamis lalu (2/12) Ketua Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Jusuf Kalla (JK) dengan tegas telah menginstruksikan dan menjamin anggotanya juga kepada masyarakat Kristen Mentawai untuk segera membangun hunian sementara sebelum Natal tiba (Baca : JK Instruksikan Bangun Hunian Sementara Untuk Rayakan Natal). Apa mau dibilang, kenyataan berbicara beda dilapangan.

Pembangunan hunian itu belum dikerjakan hingga Minggu (5/12). Penyebabnya apalagi kalu bukan terbentur birokrasi pemerintahan.

Hal itu diakui Koordinator Lapangan Posko Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Cabang Mentawai Zul Hendri.

Walau begitu, Zul menegaskan PMI masih melanjutkan penjajakan dengan pemerintah daerah. Zul berharap pemerintah memberikan tanggapan positif agar korban dapat kembali hidup normal.

Semoga saja Presiden peduli dan langsung memerintahkan pembangunan hunian sementara dengan tujuan agar rakyatnya dapat menjalankan dan merayakan hari besar keagamaannya secara kondusif.


The flag of Indonesia
A map of Indonesia class=

A locator map of Indonesia


Republic of Indonesia



Area: 1,919,317 sq km
The Republic’s 17,500 islands (6,000 inhabited) stretch over 9.5 million sq km of the Indian/Pacific Oceans, with 33 provinces, 5 of which have special status. Includes the world’s second-largest rain forest and vast coral reefs.
Population: 232,516,771    Annual Growth: 1.19%
Capital: Jakarta
Urbanites: 53.7%
HDI Rank: 111 of 182 (UN Human Development Reports 2009)


Peoples: 784 (26% unreached) All peoples
Unreached Peoples Prayer Card

Official language: Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). Its increasing use is unifying the nation and lessening the importance of smaller languages to the younger generation    Languages: 722 All languages


Largest Religion: Muslim
Religion               Pop %Ann Gr

Answer to Prayer

Praise God for the sustained growth of the Church over the last 50 years. During this period, evangelicals have grown from 1.3 million (1.4% of the population) to 13 million (5.6%). Several of the following have a long-lasting legacy.
a) Great people movements to Christ have occurred in many animistic peoples, among three of the eight Java sub-groups and among Indonesians of Chinese descent. Over 50% of the latter are now Christian.
b) The lives and vibrant witness of committed Christians have made an impact on a society influenced by the power of the occult and have offered many the path to freedom.
c) The government mandate that all citizens adhere to one of six recognized religions impels many animists to consider the claims of the gospel.
d) The development and use of Indonesian as the national language make sharing the gospel across geographic and ethnic boundaries easier in many areas of the country.

Challenge for Prayer

Indonesia’s vast diversity is both its strength and its peril. With 17,500 islands strewn across nearly 10 million sq km of ocean, 33 provinces, 722 languages, even more ethnic groups, myriad religious expressions and deeply divided political agendas, holding this nation together is a monumental task. Pray for political strength for the maturing democracy to stay balanced between national unity and regional identity. Pray also for the government to act with righteousness in honouring all peoples and communities; Indonesia’s history, especially recently, is characterized by discrimination, exploitation and favouritism.
Foto saya
Dari Kupang, NTT ke Surabaya, lanjut ke Jawa Tengah, lanjut ke Sumatera Utara (lewat Lampung, Bengkulu, Padang, hingga tiba di Tapanuli Selatan lalu Tapanuli Tengah). Di Sumatera Utara, telah mengunjungi Medan dan mengelilingi semua kabupaten hingga ke Riau, dan Dumai. Dari Sumatera Utara ke Jakarta, Tangerang dan Jogja. Sejak keluar dari NTT tahun 2000-2008 berkeliling Indonesia. Tahun 2008-2010 saat ini, sedang berdomisili di Kamboja. Semua tempat tersebut diatas dikunjungi dalam rangkaian perjalanan melayani TUHAN.