
Kamis lalu (2/12) Ketua Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Jusuf Kalla (JK) dengan tegas telah menginstruksikan dan menjamin anggotanya juga kepada masyarakat Kristen Mentawai untuk segera membangun hunian sementara sebelum Natal tiba (Baca : JK Instruksikan Bangun Hunian Sementara Untuk Rayakan Natal). Apa mau dibilang, kenyataan berbicara beda dilapangan.

Pembangunan hunian itu belum dikerjakan hingga Minggu (5/12). Penyebabnya apalagi kalu bukan terbentur birokrasi pemerintahan.

Hal itu diakui Koordinator Lapangan Posko Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Cabang Mentawai Zul Hendri.

Walau begitu, Zul menegaskan PMI masih melanjutkan penjajakan dengan pemerintah daerah. Zul berharap pemerintah memberikan tanggapan positif agar korban dapat kembali hidup normal.

Semoga saja Presiden peduli dan langsung memerintahkan pembangunan hunian sementara dengan tujuan agar rakyatnya dapat menjalankan dan merayakan hari besar keagamaannya secara kondusif.

Puppets Story (Rich man vs Poor man)

2 Sam 12:1-6

"There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had a very large number of sheep and cattle, but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It shared his food, drank from his cup and even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him.

Dialog 1
Rich man          : hahahaha.......i am the rich man in this city, no one but me. I can buy anything i want, i have 1ooo sheep, and i have 2ooo cattle. I have a very nice house and my house is the very beautiful house in this city, no one but me. I have many nice car, and no one richer than me......hahahaha....i am the rich man in this city.....hahahaha.....i have much money.....hahahahaha.....
Poor man         : hmmmm.......i love my little ewe lamb, she is all i have, she play with my children, i give her food from my table. She sleep in my arm. i love her....

"Now a traveler came to the rich man,....

Dialog 2
A Traveler        : knock knock knock 3x, helloooo.....any body hooooome... where is the house owner? i am a traveler come from a very far place, the sun is set, i need a place to sleep, and continued my trip tomorrow, i think this is the good place to spent night. Its look like this house is rich house, they must not mine to give me some food, i am thirsty and very hungry...knock knock knock.........helloooow.....

Rich man          : Huftt!!! who is that!!! why bother me.....
A Traveler        : Knock Knock Knock.....
Rich man          : Yeeeesssss!!! wait a minutes.....
A Traveler        : Knock Knock Knock.....
Rich man          : Yeeeesssss!!! wait a minutes.....(doors open, the Rich man angry!!!) who are you?, why you come to my place, knock my door, am i know you?
A Traveler        : I am a traveler, come from a very far place, it is night so i need a place to sleep. I see your house is a nice house, you must be a rich man, i think you can help me with a water and a food, i am hungry. Just one night and tomorrow i will continued my trip.
Rich man          : Yes yes yesss, i am the rich man in this city, no man rich than me, i can give you a place to stay here, i can give you a food, buuuuuuutttttt!!!!!!!

A rich man want to show that he is a rich man like what the traveler say, but he is unwilling to help the traveler; to give food to the traveler the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him.
Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him."

Dialog 3
Poor man         : No no noooo........this is my lamb, this is the only one i have,
Rich man          : Give it to poor man,
Poor man         : No no noooo........your are rich man? why dont you take one of your sheep?, why you take my own,
Rich man          : Give it to me!!!! (take the sheep from the hand of the poor man)
Poor man         : huks huks huks........why do  you do this to me? who can help me, ooo God, iam only a poor man, If not You help me, no one will help me....

A poor man cry until she felt sleep.
But the rich man took the sheep from the poor man and prepare the meal for the traveler.
Tomorrow, early in the morning; suddenly a loudly and noisy knocking at the door of the rich man house; 

Dialog 4
Knock knock knock..... Knock knock knock..... Knock knock knock..... Knock knock knock.....

Rich man          : Huftt!!! who is that!!! why bother me.....its still early in the morning....

Knock knock knock..... Knock knock knock..... Knock knock knock..... Knock knock knock.....

Rich man          : Yeeeesssss!!! wait a minutes.....(the door open) HAA!!!!!! who are you,
Soldier             : We are the kings soldier, you are under arrested because you stole people’s lamb, 
Rich man          : no no no, i am not a thief. I am rich man, you must be get the wrong person.
King                 : You are a thief!!!  Last night i come to your house undercover, and instead to take one of your animal to prepare a meal for me, you took the poor man little ewe lamb. Because of this, you must pay 100 sheep back to the poor man for exchange the little ewe sheep that you take from her. And for the punishment you will be arrested 1 year.

Than the story end.
If we have more, we must remember others. Riches is a blessing from God, Because God has blessing us, we also must blessing other people.

 (All the Bible verse use New International Version)
its free to copy use for ministry, make some change according to the condition of your audience.

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Dari Kupang, NTT ke Surabaya, lanjut ke Jawa Tengah, lanjut ke Sumatera Utara (lewat Lampung, Bengkulu, Padang, hingga tiba di Tapanuli Selatan lalu Tapanuli Tengah). Di Sumatera Utara, telah mengunjungi Medan dan mengelilingi semua kabupaten hingga ke Riau, dan Dumai. Dari Sumatera Utara ke Jakarta, Tangerang dan Jogja. Sejak keluar dari NTT tahun 2000-2008 berkeliling Indonesia. Tahun 2008-2010 saat ini, sedang berdomisili di Kamboja. Semua tempat tersebut diatas dikunjungi dalam rangkaian perjalanan melayani TUHAN.